Online Chekin Native Integration

Quick Links:

  • Download Postman Collection
  • API Docs

Getting Started:

  1. Account: First you need to get an account. Contact our sales team at and they will create an account for you with an email and password.
  2. Token: Use your email & password to get a token using our API:

    	"email": "your@user",
    	"password": "yourpassword"
    	"token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoiN2JkMzU4NzEyYzJiNDY3ODllM2Y3ZjY1Y2UyM2FlYjgiLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Im1hcmlhbm9AY2hla2luLmlvIiwiZXhwIjoxNTcxMjU2OTA2LCJvcmlnX2lhdCI6MTU3MTI1MzMwNiwiaXNfb2NyX2VuYWJsZSI6ZmFsc2UsImZhY2VfZXh0IjpmYWxzZSwib2NyX3ZpeiI6ZmFsc2UsIm9jcl9iYXJjb2RlcyI6ZmFsc2V9.yEYTAeTs3omjqyX4nkWyIogmWcANn-XkUTz2k220Hlg"

    The token expires within 1 hour, but the same endpoint can be called to get a new one.

  3. Headers: Add these headers in all your following requests:
    • Content-Type application/json
    • Authorization JWT {{your token}}


Use Case #1: CheKin Online as guest data capture service. No police connection.

  1. Create a reservation doing a POST to CheKin API, and get a “Chekin online link” in response, on field “signup_form_link”.

        "check_in_date": "2019-10-16",
        "check_out_date": "2019-10-18",
        "housing": {
            "type": "HOU",
            "name": "My Rental House 1",
            "location": { // We ask different data to the guest based in the country
                "country": "IT"
        "guest_group": {}
        "id": "d52b50adcf6446ca9f4c9305cfbe5538",
        "guest_group": {
                "id": "4707a97810504e8084b8b16f6f22f298",
                "url": "",
        "signup_form_link": "",

    Save reservation id or guest group id to retrieve guests data later.
  2. Share the signup_form_link with the guests through emails, whatsapp, or your preferred medium.
  3. The guests will add their data using the CheKin Online form, which includes a document scanner to make data entry easier as possible.
  4. You can retrieve the guests data in different ways :
    • Get guest data by guest group id

         "members":[ // guests list
            {  // one guest data
               "full_name":"MARTIN PEREZ",
              … // some extra fields and structures may be present. They are used for Italy or other countries requiring extra data
                  … // some extra fields may be present for Italy or other countries
               "status":"COMPLETE", // status is not used without police connection
               "status_display":"All the necessary data are filled in"
            {   // another guest
               "full_name":"CARLOS GONZALEZ FERNANDEZ",
         "leader_id":"ff23cc1796764f52bbf727afe81a82be", // In some countries like italy there is a guest leader, usually the first guest.

    • Get reservation by ID and looking at field “guest_group

         "id": "c4f529e7ad5c4c96a6dd6c3d61072705",
          … // reservation data
          "guest_group": {
                 … // guests data as described in a. 

    • Get the full List of your reservations and get guest_group from each one

         "count":5, // total reservations
         "next":null, // used with pagination
         "results":[ // List of reservations
                ... // Reservation and housing data
                        "full_name":"Alejandro Perez",
                        ... // Full guest data
                        "full_name":"Sara Gomez",
                        ... // Full guest data
               ... // Reservation and housing data
                        "full_name":"MARIANO MARTINEZ",
                        ... // Full guest data
                        "full_name":"CARLOS GONZALEZ FERNANDEZ",
                        ... // Full guest data

    • Subscribe to webhooks to be notified every time a guest is added:
          "target": "https://your.domain.con/target-endpoint/",
          "event": "Guest.created"
          "id": "5adecfc46a6c4b72a15c98fe0e96b048",
          "event": "Guest.created",
          "target": "https://your.domain.con/target-endpoint/"

      Every time a guest is added we will do a POST request to your endpoint sending the following data:


              "id": "fab8af5dd0074d04a42395d00890c310",
              "event": "Guest.created",
              "target": ""
              "reservation_id": "620186f602de439faffb6caa71b5014e",
              "guest_id": "3cdcede6af45448ebaf28315d09ceec2",
              "guest_origin": "CH_ONLINE"

      You can use the guest id or reservation id to retrieve the guest data in that moment. Example using guest_id:


               "full_name":"MARTIN PEREZ",
              … // some extra fields and structures may be present. They are used for Italy or other countries requiring extra data
                  … // some extra fields may be present for Italy or other countries
               // other status fields can be ignored in this use case. They are used when the house is connected with legal authorities (police, statistics..).

      Find more information about webhook events available in API Docs


Use Case #2: CheKin Online with legal compliance (police/statistics connection).

  1. Create a reservation doing a POST to CheKin API, sending Police Credentials, and get a “CheKin online link” in response on field “signup_form_link”. Optionally, you can send data of guests that you have, in field guest_group.

       "housing": {
            "type": "HOU",
            "name": "My Rental House POL",
            "police_account": {
    	        "username":"webpol user",
    	        "password":"webpol password"
        "id": "7a2b3fe5c5d34463aa2583f09de5ab75",
        ... // Housing daa
        "check_in_date": "2019-10-07T00:00:00Z",
        "check_out_date": "2019-10-08T00:00:00Z",
        "nights_of_stay": 1,
        "origin": "DEFAULT",
        "created_at": "2019-10-15T21:26:30.735665Z",
        "guest_group": {
            "id": "06adcc1c9a194f858335ee22bbb1d3e3",
            "url": "",
            "number_of_guests": 2,
            "members": [
                ... // the added guests
            "leader_id": "74567767b20f47f5a14b4333b55a26b0",
            "type": "G"
        "signup_form_link": "", // chekin online link, to be sent to guests
        "aggregated_status": "NEW" // reservation level status

  2. Share the link with the guests through emails, whatsapp, or your preferred medium.
  3. The guests will add their data using the CheKin Online form, which includes a document scanner to make data entry easier as possible.
  4. There are different options to get guests data from reservation later, as described in Use Case #1 – 1.4.
  5. You can check the legal compliance status later using webhooks or polling.
  6. In case of ERROR you can restart a registration.
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